Euroconsult Report Targets Satellite Value Chain-2016

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - Euroconsult's latest report,brings together a selection of key trends and indicators on supply and demand from Euroconsult's 2016 reports complemented by additional dedicated research on the commercial satellite business to give a snapshot of the commercial satellite value chain. Along with the introductory/overview section, the report includes sections on satellite manufacturing & launch services, satellite communications, Earth observation, and satellite navigation.

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Continuous Growth in the Maritime Sector Despite Global Economic Downturn

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult’s newly-published report,in 2015 the global maritime satellite communications market reached close to 338,000 terminals, $953 million in revenue at the satellite operator level and $1.7 billion in revenue at the service provider level. The value of the maritime satcom market will continue to grow over the next decade, with a CAGR of 5% in terminals and revenue over the 10-year period. Ever-increasing data communications needs and the massive launch of new generation High Throughput Satellite (HTS) systems are expected to drive growth.

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Commercial FSS Operators Continue to Endure Difficult Market Conditions

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult’s newly-published report,FSS industry revenues declined by 7% in 2015 and have continued to deteriorate through the first half of 2016. Headwinds in the FSS industry have raised significant cause for concern in the last year or so, as highlighted by the lower stock valuations of leading FSS operators and the bearish sentiment in the sector among the investment community.

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Earth Observation Manufacturing, Data Markets Continue Expansion

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to the 9th edition of Euroconsult’s report, Satellite-Based Earth Observation: Market Prospects to 2025, due to be published in the coming weeks, 163 satellites (>50kg) were launched for civil and commercial Earth observation (excluding meteorology) over 2006-2015. These were launched for entities in 35 countries and generated $18.4 billion in manufacturing market revenues. Most of these satellites were launched by government operators to support policy objectives spanning climate change, sustainable development and industrial support. In addition, EO remains the primary application for emerging space programs; growing funding into these programs is a key driver for overall investment growth. In 2015 civil government investment topped $10 billion for the first time.

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$250 Billion to Manufacture & Launch 1,450 Satellites over Next Ten Years

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to the 19th edition of the report Satellites to be Built & Launched over the next 10 Years, due to be published later in September, Euroconsult anticipates that 145 satellites with launch mass over 50kg will be launched on average each year by 2025 for government agencies and commercial organizations worldwide. When including satellites smaller than 50kg and the two mega constellations of OneWeb and SpaceX, the total for the decade would grow precipitously to 9,000 units (vs. 1,480 launched in the past ten years).

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FSS Capacity Market Value Forecast to Reach $14 Billion by 2025

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to the 23rd edition of Euroconsult’s report, Satellite Communications & Broadcasting Markets Survey, due to be published later in September, Euroconsult forecasts that traffic carried over satellite will reach close to 3.5 Tbps by 2025, with a 16% CAGR over the ten-year period. This corresponds to an upward revision of our previous forecasts, which also takes into account the anticipated massive increase in capacity supply over the period. The leasing of larger capacity volumes will however be at the expense of lower pricing, also in a context of heightening competition and falling fill rates. While regional situations will remain diverse, we estimate that the global average capacity ARPU could be halved when expressed in MHz by 2025. This combination of higher volumes and lower pricing leads us to a capacity market value that would stand at around $14 billion by 2025 compared to $11 billion in 2015.

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Euroconsult Takes Majority Stake in SATConsult

Paris, Toulouse - Euroconsult today announced that it has taken a majority stake in an independent consulting company based in Toulouse focused on supporting the development of satellite infrastructure worldwide. Under the terms of the agreement, Euroconsult and SATConsult will continue to operate as separate companies and will work in concert on a project-by-project basis. Together, their teams cover the full spectrum of customers’ requirements in the satellite industry including market, financial, technical, operational and legal assessments.

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20 New Countries to Invest in Space Programs by 2025

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult’s latest report, 24 countries are identified as emerging space programs (ESPs) in 2015 having launched a total of 69 satellites in the last 20 years. As satellite technology has become more accessible and affordable, the number of countries investing in their first satellite system has increased dramatically. 2015 set an all-time record with nine satellites launched, confirming the dynamism of this market.

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$22 Billion Market Value for Small Satellites over Next Ten Years

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult’s latest report,we are on the cusp of a major revolution for the space sector and overall space ecosystem, as more than 3,600 smallsats are expected to be launched over the next ten years, a significant increase from the previous decade. The total market value of these satellites is anticipated to be $22 billion (manufacture and launch), a 76% increase over that of 2006-2015. This rate of growth is unprecedented for the space sector and will bring about fundamental changes as both new and established industry players attempt to increase their capabilities in order to gain market share.

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