Euroconsult Publishes First Research Report on Ground Segment Market

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult's latest report, the commercial satellite ground segment market, including satcom applications, EO applications and user terminals for user applications, is going through significant expansion in terms of both capabilities and demand and will grow from $264 million in 2018 to nearly $360 million in 2028. The aggregated market value in the next decade is expected to achieve $4 billion. The initial Euroconsult report covers only large gateways, while the second part of the report dedicated to user terminals will be published in several months.

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Euroconsult Group & RKF Engineering Solutions Announce Partnership Agreement

Paris, Bethesda, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - The Euroconsult Group and RKF Engineering Solutions are pleased to announce they have entered into a partnership agreement, combining Euroconsult’s industry leading strategic and operational consulting and research services with RKF’s innovative engineering solutions for communication networks and satellite systems. This collaboration will enable each of the independent entities to rely on the services portfolio of the other in order to bring added value to government and private sector clients alike.

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Evolving Chinese Space Ecosystem to Foster Innovative Environment

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult’s latest report, the China space value chain had an estimated size of more than $16 billion in 2017, with the downstream market accounting for just over 85%. Satellite Navigation, one of the key satellite applications in China, was the main revenue generator in 2017, ahead of Satellite Communications and Earth Observation.

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$284 Billion Market for 3,300 Satellites to be Built & Launched Over Next Decade

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to the 21st edition of its report, Euroconsult anticipates that 330 satellites with a mass over 50 kg will be launched on average each year by 2027 for government agencies and commercial organizations worldwide. This is a threefold increase over the past decade as the satellite market experiences a paradigm shift with the rise of small satellites and large constellations.

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Euroconsult Honors the Most Promising Start-Ups with the 2nd FinSpace Awards

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - During Euroconsult’s annual World Satellite Business Week, awards were presented to the four most promising start-ups, as selected by an independent jury, after a pitch competition during the FinSpace cocktail reception at the annual Euroconsult Summit for Satellite Financing which brings together the leading decision makers of the satellite enabled business sector. FinSpace is supported by MAXAR and Global Space Ventures.

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Earth Observation Data Market to Reach $2.4 Billion, VAS Market Potentially at $9 Billion by 2027

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to the 11th edition of Euroconsult’s report, the commercial Earth observation (EO) data market could reach $2.4 billion in 2027, driven by a mixture of defense and new commercial markets and supported by the arrival of new constellation operators. The EO market for value-added services (VAS) should reach over $5.7 billion by 2027; potential new service areas with entrants focusing on developing constellations to support high-frequency change detection could even see the VAS market reaching $9 billion in our upside scenarios.

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ESA Selects SATConsult to Design Innovative System Revolutionizing the Scheduling of Secure Satcom Resources

Paris, Toulouse, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama -a leading satellite engineering consultancy and member of Euroconsult Group, has been selected by ESA to lead a consortium, composed of RHEA Group, Airbus and Space Hellas, to help develop a secure, independent, and centralized digital platform for Pooling & Sharing (P&S) satellite communication resources

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David Chegnion to Succeed Mustapha Elriz at the Helm of SATConsult, Subsidiary of the Euroconsult Group

Paris, Toulouse, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - SATConsult, a member of the Euroconsult Group, announces the appointment of as Managing Director. In this capacity, David will succeed Mustapha Elriz who founded the company in 2006 and has served as its CEO since this date. Mustapha will continue to have a close relationship with the company, remaining a major shareholder and holding a position of Member of the Senior Advisory Board.

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Government Funding in Space Exploration to Surpass $20 Billion by 2027

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to Euroconsult’s latest report,global government investment in space exploration totaled $14.6 billion in 2017, a 6% increase compared to 2016. Fifteen leading space programs worldwide are estimated to contribute to this global investment, with the U.S. accounting for 74% of the total. Global expenditures have grown in the past five years driven by programs in leading countries and new countries investing in space exploration. In a still constrained budgetary environment, global space budgets for space exploration are expected to grow to over $20 billion by 2027.

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FSS Industry’s Transition to Data Markets to Re-Ignite Long-Term Revenue Growth

Paris, Washington D.C., Montreal, Yokohama - According to the 25th edition of Euroconsult’s report, due to be published later in September, the FSS industry continues to move towards telecom/data markets, as wholesale revenues derived from video markets continue to erode.

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