Azam Media CEO Details East Africa Expansion Strategy

Via Satellite: [Via Satellite 05-05-2015] Azam Media, a fast growing Direct-to-Home (DTH) service provider in East Africa, has climbed to more than a quarter-million subscribers since first launching in December 2013. Starting in Tanzania, the company expanded to Uganda in October last year, and opened up a new office in Kenya two months later. Rhys Torrington, CEO of Azam Media, told Via Satellite the company has sold approximately 265,000 Set-Top-Boxes (STBs) to date and plans to enter more markets in the near future.

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MSS Operators Face A Challenging Market As Revealed In A New Euroconsult Report

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SatNews: According to Euroconsult's latest report, Mobile Satellite Communications Markets Survey: Prospects to 2024, the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) industry faces multiple challenges, including increasingly omnipresent mobile VSAT, troop withdrawals, government budget reductions, and unfavorable economics in the shipping industry—the future of the MSS industry now depends on how fast MSS operators can adapt to this new market environment.

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4% Wholesale Service Revenues Growth for MSS Operators in a Challenging Market

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SpaceRef Daily: According to Euroconsult's latest report, Mobile Satellite Communications Markets Survey: Prospects to 2024, the Mobile Satellite Services (MSS) industry faces multiple challenges, including increasingly omnipresent mobile VSAT, troop withdrawals, government budget reductions, and unfavorable economics in the shipping industry. The future of the MSS industry now depends on how fast MSS operators can adapt to this new market environment.

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Euroconsult Report Sees Robust Prospects for Satellite in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Via SatelliteThe transition to digital television, increasing growth of mobile services, and the burgeoning connectivity needs of sectors such as energy, banking and mining, are fueling demand for satellite services in Sub-Saharan Africa, which Euroconsult expects will remain healthy for many years to come. The research firm’s newest report, “Prospects for Satellite Communications & Broadcasting in Africa” predicts a Calculated Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11 percent for capacity leased over the next decade.

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Nearly 200 Gbps Projected To Flow Over Sub-Sahara Via Satellite, According To Euroconsult Analysis

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SatNews: According to Euroconsult's newly released report, Prospects for Satellite Communications & Broadcasting in Africa, overall usage for satellite capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa increased at an 11% CAGR over 2009-2014, despite the spread of terrestrial fiber networks and the decrease of international trunking.

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Euroconsult Opens In Japan + Expert Industry Leader Takes The Lead

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Via Satellite: Euroconsult’s newly released small satellite research report projects a total of 510 smallsats to be launched in the next five years — a two-thirds pick up from the average number of these spacecraft orbited in the last decade. The report, entitled “Prospects for the Small Satellite Market,” includes research on all small satellites — nanosats, cubesats, microsats and minisats — with a mass between 1 kg and 500 kg that Euroconsult expects will be “realistically” launched between now and 2019. According to the report, the smallsat industry will enjoy a steady pickup across the market, driven by the smallest of spacecraft.

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Star One Exec Sees 2016 Olympics Ushering 4K into Latin America

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Via Satellite: Brazilian satellite operator Embratel Star One is readying for an increase in demand for mobility services, along with the permanent presence of Ultra-HD in Latin America. The company’s first new satellite since 2012, Star One C4, is scheduled to launch this year with Arianespace, followed in 2016 by the first satellite in the operator’s D-series, Star One D1.

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